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Diablo Valley College



주소 321 Golf Club Rd, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-0000

홈페이지 www.dvc.edu


  학교 특징

Diablo Valley College (DVC)는 센프란시스코에서 동쪽으로 35분 정도 떨어져 있는 Pleasant Hill에 위치해 있습니다. 안전한 거주 지역이며, 다양한 마켓들이 많아 편리한 생활을 할 수 있습니다. DVC는 미국 최고의 주립대인 UC Berkeley와도 20분 거리로 매우 가까워 언제든 캠퍼스 투어가 가능하며, UC Berkeley 편입률이 가장 높아 많은 학생들이 선호하는 커뮤니티 컬리지 입니다.

* 설립 연도: 1949년

* 재학생 수: 20,089명

* 지역 규모: 중도시

* 입학 조건: iBT 61

* 조건부 입학: IEC 영어 프로그램으로 대체가능

* 입학 시기: 가을학기-8월, 봄학기-1월

* 인근 공항: SFO

* 거주 형태: 기숙사없음 or Guaranteed homestays(유료) / 자취


  비용 정보 (2018년도 기준)

Tuition and fees based on 12 units, minimum required for F1 visa students: $ 7,223
Food and housing (based on home stay): $ 7,875
Books and other educational expenses: $ 1,854
Transportation: $ 1,234
Miscellaneous and Personal: $ 3,006
Mandatory medical insurance (fall and spring/summer): $ 1,200
Total estimated cost for academic year: $22,392


  지원 마감일 (2018년도 기준)

6월 1일(fall semester)
9월 15일(fall bridge program)
11월 1일(spring semester)
2월 2일(spring bridge program)
5월 11일(Summer bridge program)


  전공 리스트

Addiction Studies - ADS
Administration of Justice - ADJUS
Anthropology – ANTHR
Architecture - ARCHI
Art - ART (includes a new transfer degree)
Art Digital Media - ARTDM
Art History - ARTHS

Biological Science - BIOSC
Business Accounting - BUSAC
Business Management - BUSMG
Business Marketing - BUSMK
Business Real Estate - RE

Chinese - CHIN
Communication Studies - COMM (formerly Speech)
Computer Information Systems - CIS
Computer Network Technology - CNT
Computer Science - COMSC
Construction - CONST
Culinary Arts - CULN

Dance - DANCE
Dental Assisting - DENTL
Dental Hygiene - DENHY
Drama - DRAMA

Early Childhood Education - ECE
Economics - ECON
Education - EDUC
Electrical/Electronics Technology - ELECT/ELTRN
Energy Systems - ENSYS
Engineering - ENGIN
Engineering Technology - ENGTC (includes a new degree)
English - ENGL
English as a Second Language - ESL
Environmental Science - ENVSC

Film, Television and Electronic Media
French - FRNCH

Geography - GEOG
Geology - GEOL
German - GRMAN

Health Science - HSCI
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration - HVACR(includes a new degree, and two new certificates)
History - HIST
Horticulture - HORT
Humanities - HUMAN new degree

Industrial Design - IDSGN
Italian - ITAL

Japanese – JAPAN
Journalism - JRNL

Kinesiology - KINES(formerly Physical Education Theory)

Library Technology- LT

Mathematics - MATH
Mechanical Technology - ENGTC
Music - MUSIC
Music Industry Studies - MUSX

Nutrition - NUTRI

Philosophy - PHILO (includes a new transfer degree)
Physical Education Theory - PETHE (see Kinesiology)
Physics - PHYS
Plumbing - PLUMB
Political Science - POLSC (includes a new transfer degree)
Psychology - PSYCH

Respiratory Therapy – RT (offered in collaboration with Ohlone College, which grants the degree)
Russian - RUSS

Social Science (SOCSC)
Spanish - SPAN
Special Education - SPEDU
Speech - SPCH see Communication Studies - COMM
Steamfitting – STMFT



등록일 2018-04-18
접수상태 대기중